In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list with more than 50 (medical) conditions that have known a positive effect with acupuncture. Not all conditions will be dissolved by acupuncture, however for a large part there will be an improvement.
Frequently presented conditions wich i regulary treat in my practice:
- Stress / burnout
- Neck, shoulder, and arm complaints / knee, and back pain / osteoarthritis
- Migraine / headache
- Depression / insomnia
- Allergies / hay fever
- Chronic (sinusitis) inflammation
- Neurological conditons, such as post-stroke paralysis, neuralgias, balance disorders (Parkinson etc)
- Chronic fatigue / Lyme
- Pregnancy related problems
- Abdominal pains
- I also treat children with ADHD/ADD and other conditions