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  • Drs. Phuong Do (Member NVA)

    I see acupuncture as a valuable alternative therapy, in addition to or in collaboration with regular Western medicine.
  • Traditional acupuncture
    & scalp acupuncture

    Besides practicing the traditional acupuncture method (TCM), I am specialized in the scalp acupuncture according to the principle of Dr. Zhu. (ZSA)
  • Harmony & Balance

    The most important philosophy is to obtain and maintain harmony and balance. During a treatment i often add aromatherapy to balance your mind and body.


Born In Saigon, Vietnam
Welcomed to The Netherlands at the age of 9, accompanied by my family.
2001 - Degree of Medical Doctor Nijmegen University.
2004 - Acupuncture Degree Dutch Medical Doctors-Acupunturists Association (NAAV)
Associated with the Dutch Association for Acupuncture (NVA) since 2018

Besides practicing the traditional acupuncture method (TCM), I am specialized in the scalp acupuncture according to the principle of Dr. Zhu. (ZSA).

In scalp acupuncture, very short and fine needles are placed on the scalp to achieve the desired therapeutic effects on different parts of the body. The needles are very short and thin, so besides a little prick, it's basically painless.

During a treatment i often add aromatherapy to balance your mind and body.
Neurologische klachten, zoals uitval na een CVA, zenuwpijn, hoofdpijn etc kan met de schedelacupunctuur een betere uitkomst bieden.

Not sure if your symptoms / complaints can be treated by acupunture? Please feel free to contact me for advise or additional information, Mob 0683770709 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Drs. Phuong Do acupuncturist (LID NVA)